While we do not want to make our newsletter about COVID-19, the ministry here has been affected directly. We had 15 people absent on Easter Sunday for COVID-related reasons. Indeed, at any given time, there are usually some families that are unable to attend because one of their children was in contact with the virus at school or because they themselves contracted it. So far, our family has been spared, and we praise the Lord for that!

The first few months of 2021 have been puzzling, but as always, the Lord is active in giving us many reasons to praise and thank Him! The government of Quebec allowed gatherings to resume the Sunday before Easter. At first, they said that the maximum would be 25 people per service, but then they increased it to 250. Following Easter, they brought the number back down to 25 again. The regulations change so frequently that it can be difficult to follow. We have received phone calls from the police department and from other governmental sources, saying they want to “sensitize” churches to the health rules. Whatever the current rules, we continue to do multiple Sunday morning services, with other events online Sunday evening and the rest of the week.

Online “attendance” has been stable, with some people following the services and interacting with us. Converting these “online contacts” into direct contacts has been enigmatic, yet some are stating that they want to begin attending soon. Please pray for a man whom Eric led to the Lord in the jail ministry who is now out and wants to attend church; he is following online until he has full freedom of movement following his release. There are other people who state that they will visit as soon as they are comfortable doing so (health/pandemic-wise). Also, please pray for two families who have been attending for several months now; in both cases there are family needs. Eric met the one husband recently to share the Gospel with him, and they will meet again very soon.

We have no idea what the months to come will hold, but the Lord does! Two young people will be baptized in the coming weeks, Lord willing. We are praying that these governmental restrictions will be lifted. We are also praying that the U.S.-Canada border will reopen soon, in order that we can keep our commitments to report to several supporting churches.

On the family front, Melissa and the boys have been busy with home-schooling, and they look forward to the end of the school year soon! Tomorrow (the day after this writing), we have an appointment with an inspector from the Ministry of Education, as they monitor homeschooling families, interview the children, etc. This is rather invasive, but we trust the Lord with it. We are thankful for good health, good progress in the boys’ lives, and for the unmerited opportunity that we have to serve our Saviour! We continue to pray for each church and individual that supports us, financially or in prayer. We are thankful for your care and for your investment!

For the Harvest,

Eric, Melissa, Daniel, and Aiden Léveillé

Spring 2021


Winter 2020